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Bekijk alle Jump-Start Research-opdrachten in een handig overzicht
Jeffry van Geel
Jeffry van Geel
Eigenaar / PR / Sales / Community-manager

Zoals beloofd plaatsen we graag nog alle Jump-Start Research-opdrachten in één overzicht en dat hebben we dus hieronder gedaan:

Let op: dit artikel bevat spoilers:

Jump-Start Research 1/6

  • Make a new friend: 5.000 XP
  • Catch 3 Pokemon with Weather boost: 5.000 XP
  • Hatch an egg: 5.000 XP

Extra beloning: 2 Lucky Eggs, Dratini en 15.000 stardust

Jump-Start Research 2/6

  • Evolve a Dratini : 10.000 XP
  • Take a snapshot of Dratini: 30 Dratini-candy
  • Earn a candy with your buddy: 30 Dratini-Candy

Extra beloning: 1 Raid Pass, 15.000 stardust en 2 Lucky Eggs

Jump-Start Research 3/6

  • Power up Pokemon 10 times: 15.000 XP
  • Battle a trainer in Great League: 15.000 XP
  • Battle in a raid: 15.000 XP

Extra beloning: 2 Lucky Eggs, 15.000 XP en 2 Star Pieces

Jump-Start Research 4/6

  • Catch 5 different species of pokemon: Chimchar
  • Catch a Legendary from either breakthrough or raid: Piplup
  • Hatch 3 eggs: Turtwig

Extra beloning: 2 Lucky Eggs, Shiny Eevee, 15.000 Stardust

Jump-Start Research 5/6

  • Take a Snapshot of Eevee: 30.000 XP
  • Send 5 gifts to friends: 30.000 XP
  • Trade 3 pokemon 30.000 XP

Extra beloning: Lapras, 30.000 XP, 2 Lucky Eggs

Jump-Start Research 6/6

  • Make a new friend: 60 Dratini-Candy
  • Win a level 3 or higher raid: 60 Dratini-Candy
  • Evolve a Dragonair: 100.000 XP

Extra beloning: 2 Lucky Eggs, 100.000 XP, 15.000 Stardust